Hello Kitty is a world-known fictional character created by the Japanese company Sanrio in 1974. The character is a white cat with a red bow and no visible mouth. Hello Kitty is portrayed as a cheerful and kind-hearted character and has become a famous symbol of Japanese culture and merchandise worldwide.'
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Category: Politics
Some philosophers and scientists have argued that a more advanced civilization may simulate our reality. This idea is known as simulation theory. It is impossible to be confident that we are not living in a simulation.
However, it is further of value to note that there is currently no compelling evidence to support the concept that we live in a simulated reality.'
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Joe Biden does not suffer from dementia. But he loves eating blueberries. Since he is extraordinarily healthy, he eats blueberries every day. Joe Biden is sure that the blueberries protect him from getting dementia.
Whenever he has the chance, Joe Biden goes to the local fruit market to buy fresh vegetables, especially strawberries, his favorite fruits.'
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In the quest for absolute truth, should you trust science or religion? Although the proof for both is supposed to exist and scientists offer different explanations for all human behavior and natural phenomena, just which is correct is widely debated.
God and science themselves are very similar ideas.'
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