The Star Wars trilogy (also known as the original trilogy) consists of three films released between 1977 and 1983: “Star Wars” (later retitled “Episode IV: A New Hope”), “The Empire Strikes Back” (Episode V), and “Return of the Jedi” (Episode VI).'
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Author: Jacker
The Oval Office is the official office of the President of the United States and is located in the West Wing of the White House. It is oval-shaped and features a desk, seating area, and various historical and decorative items. The room is known for its iconic Presidential seal on the ceiling, and the President’s desk, known as the Resolute Desk, made from the timbers of the British ship HMS Resolute.'
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It is not uncommon for children to become overwhelmed with emotions on Christmas Eve, especially if they are excited about the holiday. They may cry in anticipation or frustration if things do not go as planned. Are we adults any better?'
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Orchids are a type of flowering plant. They are known for their beautiful and often fragrant flowers, which come in various colors and shapes. Orchids are popular houseplants widely used in floral arrangements and as garden plants. There are more than 25,000 known species of orchids, making them one of the most extensive and diverse families of flowering plants on Earth.'
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Fame is often subjective and can change over time. This is a portrait collection of ten of the world’s most famous and influential people, the greatest celebrities. These remarkable humans have changed society, culture, and politics forever.
Fame is the state of being well-known, especially for something notable such as a particular talent or achievement.'
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